Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Flying off again!

though not to the UK. this time it's to HOT HOT HOT Dubai. and no, not for holiday (i don't think i would be able to afford it!) but for work experience. not even for work, just work experience (i'm using that term because i'm not getting paid a salary, just expenses covered).

"that's so random", you say. the story: i used to work for the company (1 summer 2 years ago) and they knew i was coming back so they asked if i could do the job. at the time i wasn't very sure because i thought saying yes to something in September might be silly as it would complicate job-hunting (having to tell them i'm only available to work from mid-Sept rather than as soon as possible). but yes, last week i started looking forward to going away for this work experience thing because i am eager to get back into the work mode (eager to the extent of doing housework at home even though my mom insisted she'd do it herself - her rationale is that if she allows me to she'll get complacent and when i'm not around she'll have to work harder to get back into the routine).

am believing God that something positive will come out of this. so toodle-oos people, will be gone today till 16th morning. might even be able to update while i'm there (when i can sneak some time away and find internet connection!). the weather forecast is off-putting but then again, like my colleagues say, "aiya, got air-con mah! they are the ones who are contributing to global warming because they burn so much fuel keeping cool!"

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