Saturday, May 16, 2009


Some days, what really cheers me up is thinking about the wedding and dresses and possible colour themes and flowers.

But sometimes, I feel completely overwhelmed by the amount of work that has to be done. Or rather, the fact that there are a lot of things that cannot move forward because of other things which are still pending that are standing in the way of progress. Then I get frustrated thinking about it and then my inner Monica Gellar kicks into overdrive and I end up trying to do up more and more checklists and plans to feel like there is something that I can do 'in the meantime'.

It's funny but I think ultimately it boils down to me missing you. And since my method of dealing with things is to compartmentalise, I focus my energies on planning the wedding. Which in turn leads me to get a bit excessively obsessive compulsive and frustrated that other people are not working on the same timescale/pace as me.

Then when 1 thing moves from pending to confirmed/settled/done and dusted, my mood is lifted and I get all excited again.

I think I need help.

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