Saturday, October 06, 2007

Family gatherings make you see how your weirdness is genetic

it was my grandmother's 81st birthday celebration today. for the record, since my entire family argues about this among themselves trying to remember, it's the 27th day or the lunar 8th month. according to my grandaunt, we celebrate her birthday according to the lunar month because she doesn't have a birth certificate and they only found it out before my great-grandmother passed away when she showed them a sheet of paper that she had written everyone's actual birth date on.
the entertainment for today comprised of the following:

my 2nd uncle telling everyone the dinner was last Saturday only to realise last Friday it was today. then him telling people the restaurant was on the 3rd floor when it was on the second.

my grandaunt and my uncle engaged in banter about how this year's compared with last year's (he organised this year's, she last).

fake vs real birthdays, in particular, my grandmother's.

my brother buying a car (which somehow involves my dad and both my uncles).

the food (my uncle anxious there wasn't enough so ordered more, my grandaunt complaining that he was so disorganised when making all the arrangements and how hers was better...).

recollection of last year's embarrassing antics by the family (it involved BYO scissors and plastic bags and one suckling pig).

my first cousin, once removed (i.e. my mom's first cousin) arguing with my 2nd uncle. then my 2nd uncle discussing with my mom some form of holiday enrichment/boot camp for my cousin which then involved everyone at the table.

my other grandaunt whom i have not seen in YEARS telling me i'm prettier now that i have more weight on (YES!).

general debate about next year's celebration.

relatives asking when i start work... what i am going to do... what my salary will be... why i am not doing this or that...

you learn all sorts of useful things from family, as well as a clue to why you are the way you are.

i am embracing my eccentricities!

1 comment:

JoSh said...

I agree with the pretty thing.. you pretty! xxxxxx