Friday, January 18, 2008


Main Entry: earworm2
Part of Speech: n
Definition: a song or tune that gets stuck in one's mind and repeats as if on a tape; also written ear-worm, ear worm; also called cognitive itch, sticky tune

earworm for the day was 'Somewhere' from West Side Story - somehow my dreams seem to have a soundtrack and last night, it was 'Somewhere' and everything looked blurrily Technicolour-ish. sort of like in the film where all the colours were so rich and seemed to bleed into each other.

and speaking of earworms and dreams, i realised i havent mentioned any of my weird dreams recently. the oddest in recent memory has got the works (not to mention the very random pop culture references)! let's just say that there was Stephen Collins (as Rev. Eric Camden from Seventh Heaven), Swan Lake on Ice, Amy Winehouse (?!? - exactly what i was thinking when she popped up in my dream) and some very Paris Geller-esque behaviour (references to Harvard included). and soundtrack for that? 'When the Doves Cry' (version by Quindon Traver).

ah but perhaps the weirdest earworm this week must be 'Count on me Singapore'. i rest my case...

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