Saturday, January 05, 2008

people watching on the train

a while ago i was on my way home from a driving lesson and sitting across from me was a teenager/boy in his early 20s who was solving the Rubik's Cube. and not like normal people do but in a puzzle-wizard sort of way. like speed-Rubik's-Cubing. amazing! (and i feel it was totally justifiable to be staring!) He was twisting the cubes randomly about 10 times and took only about 15 seconds to solve it. once in a while when he got stuck, he'd look at the pattern intensely and miraculously figure out what previous step he did wrong so that 1-2-3 rotations later, the colours all lined up.


yesterday on the way to work i was standing next to a lady reading a guide book on Paris. ahh... i was completely reading over her shoulder (alas! she was tall. but she was holding up her book pretty high - perhaps to show off that she was possibly travelling to Paris in the near future?). looking at pictures of gay Paris (no, not that kind of gay! it's the phrase commonly used to describe Paris - very Hollywood...), i imagined myself back there, and reminiscing about the good times spent wandering the streets of Paris (and lounging in the gardens, browsing the museums) made the journey to work so much shorter.

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